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I Don't Judge...


The most common thing I hear when entering someone’s home for the first time is “Please don’t look at my______!

I am sure your house is gorgeous!” Well, let’s be honest here. It is…SOME days. Don’t get me wrong, there are elements of my home to die for. I have fantastic art. The custom sliding french doors to my home office are AH-MAY-ZING! My light fixtures are curated over time and make me very, Very, VERY happy. But I have to tell you a dirty little secret about designer’s homes- We live in them! So when you ask me not to judge the basket of laundry in your master bedroom, please know I probably have 3 of my own at this moment which have probably been there for a week. I am not judging, I promise. I am a working mom to 2 busy kids, a husband with an affinity for outdoor projects (and tracking said projects into the house) and 2 dogs who shed so much fur that my poor robotic vacuum is begging for mercy. So if your house looks a little more like this:

(actual photo of the current state of my kitchen because I drank wine with a friend instead of finishing the dishes)

(actual photo of the current state of my kitchen because I drank wine with a friend instead of finishing the dishes)

Please know that I feel ya! No one’s house looks perfect all of the time, not even an interior designer’s. But if you want your kitchen to look like this, call me!
